About Me

I’m Inha Cha, a Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech working with Prof. Richmond Wong!

My research interests include 1) exploring the sociotechnical factors that influence the development, adoption, use, and abandonment of AI tools in professional settings, and 2)understanding how AI practitioners integrate social values and ethics into their work. Before joining Georgia Tech, I worked as an AI product UX designer at Upstage. I completed my master's degree in the Dept. of Industrial Design at KAIST. I did my undergrad in Aesthetics and Information Science at Seoul National University.

Recent News

🩷 First-authored paper accepted to CHI 2025! Looking forward to reconnecting with familiar faces and meeting new ones in Japan! [Jan 2025]

🔥 Recognized by Georgia Tech's Center for Teaching and Learning Thanks-a-Teacher Award for excellence in teaching and impact on student learning in CS 8001 [Dec 2024]

🎉 Awarded a $5,000 Seed Grant from AIAI as PI for the project "AI non-use toolkits for design and creative professionals" [Nov 2024]


Please see my Google Scholar page for the most up-to-date publications.

Tensions Between Sovereignty and Interdependence: Challenges in Enacting Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Local Foundation Model Development in South Korea
In Review

Provocations for HCI Research on Non-consensual Image-based Abuse: A Case Analysis of South Korea Deepfake Scandal
In Review

Understanding Socio-technical Factors Configuring AI Non-Use in UX Work Practices
Inha Cha and Richmond Wong
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing System 2025 (To appear)(CHI 2025)

Discovering Factor Level Preferences to Improve Human-Model Alignment
Juhyun Oh, Eunsu Kim, Jiseon Kim, Wenda Xu, Inha Cha, William Yang Wang, Alice Oh

Ethics Pathways: A Design Activity for Reflecting on Ethical Engagement in HCI Research
Inha Cha*, Ajit Pillai*, Richmond Wong
ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 (DIS 2024)
pdf | resource

Investigating the Potential of Group Recommendation Systems As a Medium of Social Interactions: A Case of Experiences Between Two Users
Daehyun Kwak, Soobin Park, Inha Cha, Hankyung Kim, Youn-kyung Lim
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024 (CHI 2024)

Unlocking the Tacit Knowledge of Data Work in Machine Learning
Inha Cha*, Juhyun Oh*, Cheul Young Park*, Jiyoon Han, Hwalsuk Lee
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2023 (CHI LBW 2023)

Exploring the Use of a Voice-based Conversational Agent to Empower Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Inha Cha, Sung-In Kim, Hwajung Hong, Heejeong Yoo, Youn-kyung Lim
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI 2021)

Toward Becoming a Better Self: Understanding Self-Tracking Experiences of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Custom Trackers
Sung-In Kim, Eunkyung Jo, Myeonghan Ryu, Inha Cha, Young-Ho Kim, Heejung Yoo, Hwajung Hong
EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2019 (Pervasive Health 2019)

A Study for Specializing a Chatbot-based Self-Management Program for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sung-In Kim, Myeonghan Ryu, Eunkyung Jo, Inha Cha, Young-Ho Kim, Heejung Yoo, Hwajung Hong
Proceedings of HCI KOREA 2019 (HCI Korea 2019)


Reviewer   ACM DIS (2023, 2024), ACM CHI (2022, 2024, 2025), ACM CHI LBW (2024)

* 4 Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews from ACM CHI

Volunteer   ACM FAccT (2022), ACM DIS (2021, 2024)